Physical Intelligence Lab
Media, Press Release
2024年4月25日付け京都大学・東京大学より共同プレス発表。計算する人工筋肉 ~物理リザバー計算により分岐構造を含む多様なパターンを生成~
2023年6月9日日経新聞(NIKKEI The STYLE "Mysterious Octopus")にて、タコロボットの研究が紹介されました。
Our paper has been featured in IEEE Spectrum, 25th April 2023, "Ostrich-Inspired Robot Gives Its Neck a Stretch > RobOstrich mimicks the musculoskeletal structure of ostriches for high flexibility"
2023年4月19日付け京都大学・東北大学・東京大学より共同プレス発表。生態系を利用した全く新しいAI ~高い生物多様性は高い計算能力に繋がる?~
Our paper has been featured in IEEE Spectrum, 11th March 2023, "Optical Algorithm Simplifies Analog AI Training > When backpropagation loses its bite, this approach may substitute"
2022年1月7日付け大阪大学・北海道大学・東京大学より共同プレス発表。イオンを含む溶液素材を活用したReservoir Computingの結果がプレスリリースされました。「発見!溶液の電気化学電流にリザバー計算能力 ~水とイオンでニューラルネットワーク計算を実現へ~」
2021年12月22日付け東京大学よりプレス発表。量子リザバー計算を使ったtemporal quantum tomographyの機械学習手法の結果がプレスリリースされました。「時間的量子トモグラフィー学習手法を開発~量子機械学習の応用で記憶を持った量子デバイスの検証を可能に~」/ "Machine learning models quantum devices: A novel algorithm allows for efficient and accurate verification of quantum devices"
Our paper has been featured in NewScientist, 5th October 2021, "Biological computer made from single-celled organisms can crunch data"
2021年6月17日付けJST・金沢大学よりプレス発表。流体の渦を活用したReservoir Computingの結果がプレスリリースされました。「流れの渦が情報処理能力の鍵~バーチャルな物理リザバー計算で実現~」/ "Vortex, the Key to Information Processing Capability: Virtual Physical Reservoir Computing"
2020年11月25日付けで、カオス的遍歴設計手法提案の論文がPNAS Journal Club news blogで紹介されました。"New technique builds animal brain–like spontaneity into AI" by Amy McDermott
2020年11月11日付け東京大学よりプレス発表。Reservoir Computingを用いたカオス的遍歴の設計手法提案の結果がプレスリリースされました。「高次元カオスを活用したカオス的遍歴の設計手法の提案」/ "Robotic AI learns to be spontaneous: Researchers use dynamical systems and machine learning to add spontaneity to AI"
2020年9月27日BSフジ・ガリレオX「タコとイカ 異質な知性と体に秘められた謎」にて、タコ腕リザバーの研究が紹介されました。
2020年9月2日発売の雑誌『WIRED』VOL.38「WANDERLUST 越境への欲望」にて対談記事が掲載されました。
2020年5月15日付け東京大学よりプレス発表。株式会社ブリヂストンとの人工筋肉に関する共同研究結果がプレスリリースされました。「やわらかい人工筋肉のダイナミクスを用いた高精度センサーの生成」/ "A soft touch for robotic hardware: Combined muscles and sensors made from soft materials allow for flexible robots"
2020年3月30日付け日経産業新聞「タコの足・水の波 計算機に、AIの消費電力低減」にて、physical reservoir computingの研究が紹介されました。
2020年3月5日付け毎日新聞・科学の森「注目集めるタコの体 新たな研究、続々スタート」にて、タコ腕の研究が紹介されました。
HuaWaveにて「ソフトロボット創生シンポジウム」の様子が紹介されました。【森山和道の「未来の断片」】ドラえもんは柔らかいのか? 柔剛を切り替える「ソフトロボット」の可能性
2018年8月27日付け産経新聞朝刊9面にソフトロボット研究の紹介が掲載されました。人と共存する「ソフトロボット」 しなやかに進化 介護・災害で活用へ
日経サイエンス2018年8月号にて研究が特集されました。日経サイエンス2018年8月号、特集:AIの身体性「体で計算するコンピューター」古田 彩 協力:中嶋浩平
Our work has been featured at Kyoto University Research Activities, Vol.5 No. 3, December 2015, "Octopus-Inspired Robots"
Our work has been featured at Robohub, 11 Sept. 2015, "Morphological computation: The hidden superpower of soft-bodied robots"
Our work was featured in RoboSoft Newsletter Issue 3, March 2015, "Physical Reservoir Computing for Soft Robots"
京都大学白眉センターだより第9号, 31 March 2015, "タコ足型計算機--やわらかいマテリアルを用いた情報処理デバイス"
Our work on soft robotic arm has been featured at Live Science, 29 Sept. 2014, "Well-Armed Design: 8 Octopus-Inspired Technologies"
Our work was featured in, 18 Oct. 2013, "Next generation of robots will have a gentle touch"
An article about International Workshop on Soft Robotics and Morphological Computation (SoftRobot2013), 17 July 2013, L'approfondimento, "Io, robot... saròcomevoi"
Our achievement on OCTOPUS project was reported in the most popular newspaper in Switzerland: NZZ Online, 1 May 2011, “Lego mit acht Armen“
Conference Organization
Organizing Committee (with Hayato Chiba, Thomas de Jong, Yoshikazu Giga, Lyudmila Grigoryeva, Boumediene Hamzi, Masato Kimura, Hiroshi Kokubu, Hirofumi Notsu, Juan-Pablo Ortega, Julius Fergy Rabago) of International Conference on Differential Equations for Data Science 2024 (DEDS2024), 19-21 Feb., 2024, online zoom.
An Associate Editor for 2024 IEEE RAS EMBS 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2024), 1-4 September 2024 Heidelberg, Germany.
An Associate Editor for 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 13-17, 2024 in Yokohama, Japan.
Program Committee of Workshop of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases: "Deep Learning meets Neuromorphic Hardware", ECML-PKDD 2023, September 18, 2023 - Turin, Italy.
Organizing Committee (with Hayato Chiba, Yoshikazu Giga, Lyudmila Grigoryeva, Boumediene Hamzi, Masato Kimura, Hiroshi Kokubu, Hirofumi Notsu, Juan-Pablo Ortega) of International Conference on Differential Equations for Data Science 2023 (DEDS2023), 20-22 Feb., 2023, online zoom.
Organizing Committee (with Hayato Chiba, Ingo Fischer, Lyudmila Grigoryeva, Masato Kimura, Hiroshi Kokubu, Hirofumi Notsu, Juan-Pablo Ortega) of International Conference on Differential Equations for Data Science 2022 (DEDS2022), 21-23 March, 2022, online zoom.
Organizing Committee (with Fumiya Iida, Josh Bongard, Kohei Nakajima, Josie Hughes, Toby Howison, Marwa ElDiwiny, Hadi Sadati, Veronica Egorova) of 2021 International Workshop on Next Generation Embodied Intelligence (EI Workshop 2021), 24-26 March., 2021, online zoom.
Organizer (with Fumiya Iida, Koichi Suzumori) of a full-day workshop, "Toward the Nature of Information Processing in Soft Machines: Bridging Flexible Electronics and Morphological Computation," in 2019 IEEE Internatonal Conference on Soft Robotics (Robosoft), 14 April 2019, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
Co-organizer (with Letizia Zullo, Shuichi Shigeno) of the International Workshop, "Novel biomimetic models: materials, soft robots and artificial intelligence," in CIAC2015, 8-9 November 2015, Hakodate Research Center for Fisheries and Oceans, Hakodate, Japan.
Program Committee of the 2013 International Workshop on Soft Robotics and Morphological Computation, 14-19 July 2013, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland.
A Session Co-Chair for “New Actuators” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2013).
A Session Chair for “Biologically inspired robotics III” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE-ROBIO 2012).
An Associate Editor for the 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012) , October 7-12, 2012 in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
A Session Chair for “Soft Robotics” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE-ROBIO 2011).
Organizing Committee of the 2nd International Conference on Morphological Computation (ICMC2011), 12-14 Sept., 2011, Palace Franchetti, Venice, Italy.
Local Organizing Committee of Second Summer School on Embodied Intelligence (EMBODYi & Lampetra Projects Summer School),”Simulation and Modeling within Embodied Intelligence”, 27 June – 1 July, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
Intensive Course
立命館大学大学院理工学研究科・特殊講義「ソフトロボット学」(第6・7回「ソフトロボットにおける情報処理」を担当), 2023/11/3・10, on-line lecture, Japan.
東京工業大学大学院講義「ソフトロボット学」(第4回「ソフトロボットにおける情報処理」を担当), 2021/07/16, on-line lecture, Japan.
大阪府立大学にて集中講義、「Reservoir Computing概論」(電子物理工学特殊講義I), 2020/09/2,4,7, on-line lecture, Japan.
東京工業大学大学院講義「ソフトロボット学」(第4回「ソフトロボットにおける情報処理」を担当), 2020/07/10, on-line lecture, Japan.
京都大学大学院理学研究科/理学部数学教室にて集中講義、「Reservoir Computing概論」, 2019/07/03-05, 3号館127大会議室, Kyoto, Japan.
Invited Talks and Lectures
Invited talk at minisymposia:Dynamics of reservoir computers in XLIV Dynamics Days Europe, "Exploiting chaotic dynamics as a computational resource," 2024/07/29- 08/02, Bremen, Germany.
Keynote talk at the 2024 Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE2024), "Physical deep neural network using natural dynamics," 2024/07/22-26, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Keynote lecture at International School of Solid State Physics: 87th Workshop: Unconventional Computing, Materials Science, Informatics, Hardware, Software, "Generative property in physical reservoir computing," 2024/07/06-12, Erice-Sicily, Italy (online).
Invited Talk at Dynamics Days Asia Pacific 13 / Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2024, "Chaos in reservoir computing," 2024/07/01-05, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan.
Invited Talk at IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Soft Materials and Soft Robots, "Embedding bifurcations into soft body," 2024/05/17-18, Yayoi Auditorium, Ichijo Hall in the Yayoi campus, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
2024年第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会にて第45回解説論文賞受賞記念講演、物理リザバー計算の新展開、2024/03/25, 東京都市大学、Tokyo, Japan.
Invited Talk at The 1st International Workshop on Cognitive Neurorobotics, "Physical Reservoir Computing and Beyond," 2024/03/18-19, OIST, Okinawa, Japan.
R031ハイブリッド量子ナノ技術委員会・第15回研究会(特別企画): 「AIと科学技術・社会」にて招待講演、「深層物理リザバー計算」、2024/03/12, 現地開催(東京大学生産技術研究所)およびオンライン(ZOOM), Japan.
Invited Talk at "Robotics" Gordon Research Conference: Physically and Computationally Intelligent Behaviour in Robots, "Physical reservoir computing: potentials and opportunities," 2024/01/16, Four Points Sheraton, California, United States.
Invited Talk at The 1st Japan-Korea Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, "Physical reservoir computing
for embodied intelligence," Ito International Research Center, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo, 2023/12/27, Tokyo, Japan. -
日本機械学会講習会「ソフトロボット学入門 -基本構成と柔軟物体の数理-」にて講演、「やわらかい知能」、2023/01/26, zoom, Japan.
Keynote lecture at International School of Solid State Physics: 82nd Workshop "Unconventional Computing, Materials Science, Informatics, Hardware, Software," "Physical Reservoir Computing," 2022/10/20-26, Erice-Sicily, Italy.
第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会「インマテリアルAIコンピューティング」にて招待講演、「学習するダイナミクス:物理リザバー計算の新規学習方法の提案」、2022/09/20、東北大学 M206 Multimedia Research Hall (ハイブリッド)、Japan.
Invited Talk at MRS (Materials Research Society) 2022 Spring, "Symposium SB02 - Materials, Power Sources, Sensors, Actuators and Mechanics for Untethered Soft Robots," May 8-13, 2022, Honolulu, Hawai, US.
Invited talk at New Directions for Simplified Control of Soft Robots (full-day workshop at Robosoft 2022), "Soft body meets chaos", April 4 (Mon), 2022, online zoom.
Invited talk at Soft Robots and Embodied Intelligence (full-day workshop at Robosoft 2022), "Soft interface: exploiting soft body dynamics for computation", April 4 (Mon), 2022, online zoom.
北海道大学 人間知・脳・AI研究教育センター(CHAIN)主催 "CHAIN ACADEMIC SEMINAR #21"にて講演、「やわらかい身体の役割を考える」、2022/03/29, zoom, Japan.
A plenary talk at 2nd International Conference on Embodied Intelligence, "Physical reservoir computing and its relevance to embodied intelligence", 23-25 March 2022, online zoom.
Invited lecture at Institute for Neural Computation Chalk Talk Series (University of California San Diego), "Physical reservoir computing for embodied intelligence", 3 March 2022, online zoom.
第5回ソフトロボット学シンポジウムにて講演、「しなやかな知能・ソフトロボット情報学」、2021/11/01, zoom, Japan
Invited talk at BFI Group Seminar, Physical Reservoir Computing. 2021/10/28, zoom, Japan.
第16回TPE研究会公開講演会にて招待講演、「物理リザバー計算:ソフトロボットを例に」, 2021/9/30, zoom, Japan.
Invited talk at Deep Learning in Unconventional Neuromorphic Hardware (Satellite Workshop of IJCNN2021), "Physical Reservoir Computing", July 23rd, 2021, online zoom.
Invited talk at 2021 Virtual Research Seminar Series on Complex Active and Adaptive Material Systems (Session "Information Processing in Materials"), "Physical Reservoir Computing: Exploiting Physical Dynamics as a Computational Resource", July 1st, 2021, online zoom.
Invited talk at Material Intelligence (workshop at Robosoft 2021), "Physical reservoir computing for soft robots", April 12 (Mon), 2021, online zoom.
2021日本数学会年会(応用数学 (第VIII会場))にて特別講演、「物理リザバー計算」, 2021/3/17, zoom, Japan.
Invited talk at International Conference: Differential Equations for Data Science 2021 (DEDS2021), "Designing chaotic itinerancy", 8 March 2021, online zoom.
MIMS 現象数理学研究拠点 共同研究集会2020年度「幾何学・連続体力学・情報科学の交差領域の探索」にて招待講演、「高次元カオスを用いてダイナミクスを設計する」, 2020/12/05, zoom, Japan.
東京大学次世代知能科学研究センター連続シンポジウム 第一回「次世代の知能科学に向けて」にて招待講演、「Physical Reservoir Computing: タコ腕コンピュータを例に」, 2020/12/04, zoom, Japan.
Invited talk at NOLTA 2020 Special session "Physical Reservoir Computing", "Physical Reservoir Computing for Soft Robots", 19 November 2020, Virtual session (zoom).
Invited talk at ICRA 2020 Workshop on Self-Assembling and Reconfigurable Systems, "Physical Reservoir Computing for Soft Robots", 30 June 2020, Virtual Workshop.
A keynote talk at 30th 2019 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (From Micro & Nano Scale Systems to Robotics & Mechatronics Systems), "Towards a novel information processing scheme for soft robots", 2 December 2019, Nagoya, Japan.
第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会シンポジウム:FS.AIエレクトロニクス「数理がひもとく自然・生命現象と知的計算能力」にて招待講演、「物理リザバー計算の射程:ソフトロボットを例に」, 2019/09/21, 北海道大学札幌キャンパス, Japan.
2019年度日本機械学会年次大会(特別企画プログラム先端技術フォーラム機素潤滑設計部門企画ソフトロボット学)にて招待講演、「しなやかな知能を育てる --ソフトロボットにおけるフィジカルリザバーコンピューティング--」, 2019/09/10, 秋田大学教育文化学部3号館343室, Japan.
京都大学大学院理学研究科/理学部数学教室談話会にて講演、「Physical Reservoir Computingの射程:ソフトロボットへの応用を例に」, 2019/07/03, 3号館110講演室, Kyoto, Japan.
A keynote talk at The First International Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Material Computing (TEMC 2019) (A satellite workshop of the International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation (UCNC 2019)), "Physical Reservoir Computing for Soft Robots", 3 June 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
A talk at Data analysis and machine learning in dynamical systems, "Measuring and maximizing information dynamics", 27 May 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
科研費新学術領域「ソフトロボット学」×山形大学OPERA「ソフトマターロボティクスコンソーシアム」合同シンポジウムにて招待講演、「Physical reservoir computing for soft machines」、2019年3月20日, TKPガーデンシティ Premium神保町, Japan.
「数学パワーが世界を変える2019」-CREST・さきがけ・AIMaP合同シンポジウム-にて発表、「やわらかいデバイスのための力学系に基づいた新規情報処理技術の開発」、2019年3月10-11日, 東京ガーデンパレス(3階平安), Japan.
ものづくり企業に役立つ応用数理手法の研究会(第26回技術セミナー)にて招待講演,「やわらかいマテリアルを用いた機械学習法:Reservoir Computingの展開」, 2018年10月29日, 東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部6号館2階63号講義室, Japan.
Invited talk at IROS 2018 Workshop on Soft Robotic Modeling and Control: Bringing Together Articulated Soft Robots and Soft-Bodied Robots, "Physical Reservoir Computing for Soft Robots", 5 Oct. 2018, Madrid, Spain.
Invited talk at IROS 2018 Workshop on Controlling Soft Robots: Model-based vs. Model-free Approaches, "Soft Interfaces: Linking Morphological Dynamics and Information Processing", 1 Oct. 2018, Madrid, Spain.
IBISML/PRMU/CVIM合同研究会にて招待講演(FIT2018と同時開催),「Reservoir Computingの展開」, 2018年9月21日, 福岡工業大学D37, Japan.
Invited talk at Special Session "Laser Dynamics and Complex Photonics 3: Reservoir Computing Session" in The 2018 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2018), "Soft Keyboard: A Novel User Interface for Soft Devices", 2-6 Sep. 2018, Palau de Congressos de Tarragona, Tarragona, Spain.
Invited talk at Special Session "Non-Algorithmic Computing by Complex Systems Session" in The 2018 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2018), "A Recipe for Designing Chaotic Itinerancy: Innate Training Approach", 2-6 Sep. 2018, Palau de Congressos de Tarragona, Tarragona, Spain.
RIMS共同研究「統計的モデリングと予測理論のための統合的数理研究と実践」にて招待講演,「Reservoir Computingの展開」, 2018年8月29日, 京都大学数理解析研究所110教室, Kyoto, Japan.
マテリアル知能ワークショップにて講演,「Physical reservoir computing」, 2018年2月26日, 北海道大学情報科学研究科棟, Japan.
東京大学脳型情報処理機械論(Brain Information Processing Systems)にて講義, 「Reservoir Computing and Physical Reservoir Computing」, 2017年12月8日, 平成29年度冬学期金曜2限工学部2号館222講義室, Tokyo, Japan.
「第8回横幹連合コンファレンス」(オーガナイズド・セッション:ミクロとマクロをつなぐ社会的知能・合理性)にて発表, 「Physical reservoir computingの数理」, 2017年12月2日, 立命館大学 朱雀キャンパス, Kyoto, Japan.
Invited talk at Advanced ECoG/EEG Analysis in Epilepsy (Post-Congress in the 51st Annual Congress of the Japan Epilepsy Society), "Permutation entropy and transcripts in epileptic seizure time-series data ", 5 Nov. 2017, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto.
Invited talk at Perspectives in random and non-autonomous dynamical systems (RIMS研究会「ランダム力学系の総合的研究」), "Physical Reservoir Computingと力学系の記憶容量について", 29 Sep. 2017, RIMS/Department of Mathematics (Room 127), Kyoto University.
SIG-Soft Robotics研究会にて招待講演,「Physical reservoir computing for soft robots」, 2017年6月24日, 中央大学後楽園キャンパス, Tokyo, Japan.
Invited talk at Workshop on Advanced Fabrication and Morphological Computation for Soft Robotics (in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017, Singapore), "Exploiting the dynamics of soft materials for machine learning", 29 May 2017, Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
「自然知能セミナー(第14回): 自然知能と数学IV」にて発表, 「softrobot 及び reservoir computing の数学」, 2017年5月19-20日, 東京大学工学部2号館, Tokyo, Japan.
「自然知能セミナー(第12回): 自然知能と数学III」にて発表, 「softrobot 及び reservoir computing の数学の確立に向けて」, 2017年3月22日, 長浜バイオ大学, Shiga, Japan.
Invited talk at the 64th Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Spring Meeting, Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics, "Soft Robots - towards integration and linkage among materials, electronics, and mechanics", 「Exploiting the dynamics of soft materials for machine learning」, 2017/3/15, PACIFICO Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan.
第28回計測自動制御学会SI部門共創システム部会研究会・第11回内部観測研究会にて講演, 「Physical reservoir computing」, 2017年2月25日, 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス, Tokyo, Japan.
応用物理学会 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会「生命知能から紡ぐ次世代コンピューティング ~分子エレ・バイオエレへの展開は可能か?~」にて招待講演, 「Exploiting the dynamics of soft materials for machine learning」, 2017年2月21日, 東京大学駒場第IIキャンパス生産技術研究所大会議室, Tokyo, Japan.
CREST・さきがけ・数学協働プログラムの合同シンポジウム:「数学パワーが世界を変える」にて招待講演, 「やわらかいマテリアルのダイナミクスを用いた機械学習」, 2017年2月11-12日, 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科大講義室(東京都目黒区駒場3ー8ー1), Tokyo, Japan.
分子系の複合電子機能第181委員会第25回研究会「ソフトマター物理の最前線と応用展開」にて招待講演, 「やわらかいマテリアルのダイナミクスを用いた機械学習法」, 2016年12月2-3日, 東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部6号館3階セミナー室A/D, Tokyo, Japan.
「第62回SIGMBI: 分子ロボティクスとマテリアルインテリジェンス (協賛: SIGNAC)」にて招待講演,「Physical reservoir computing for soft robots」, 2016年11月12日14:30-18:00, 慶応義塾大学日吉キャンパス来往舎, Tokyo, Japan.
「第219回JOEM研究会:ディープラーニングの次を目指した人工知能の最前線 =リザーバー計算の基礎と応用=」にて招待講演, 「ソフトロボットのための新規情報処理技術について」, 2016年10月12日13:00-17:00, 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター4号館2階大講堂, Tokyo, Japan.
「自然知能セミナー(第9回):自然知能と複雑系科学」にて招待講演, 「Physical Reservoir Computing」, 2016年9月21日15:00-18:30, 慶應義塾大学 日吉キャンパス 来往舎 大会議室, Tokyo, Japan.
Invited talk at JSPS UK-Japan Workshop on Soft Robotics, "Information processing using soft body dynamics", 14-15 July 2016, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Invited talk at Mathematical Sciences Evening Seminar, "Physical reservoir computing: exploiting dynamical systems as information processing device", 29 June 2016, Enyu-gakusha, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Invited talk at minisymposia "Reservoir Computing and Laser Dynamics" in XXXVI Dynamics Days Europe 2016, "Physical reservoir computing from a dynamical systems point of view", 6-10 June 2016, Corfu, Greece.
「非線形科学とその周辺」セミナーにて発表、「Physical Reservoir Computingの展開」、2016年5月9日16:30-18:00、京都大学工学部2号館 003講義室 (地階), Kyoto, Japan.
Talk at 2016 Kyoto Dynamical Systems seminar, "Physical reservoir computing : a dynamical systems point of view", 5 Feb. 2016, Room 609 at Building no. 6, at Facalty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
第3回NLPMコロキウムにて招待講演, 「Physical Reservoir Computingの数理:ソフトマテリアルから流体計算機まで」, 2015年11月27日16:30-, 広島大学理学部A棟A017, Hiroshima, Japan.
第3回CCS研究会にて口頭発表, 「流体計算機の記憶容量について」, 2015年11月10日15:50-16:15, 京都大学稲盛財団記念館稲盛記念ホール, Kyoto, Japan.
Talk at Okinawa workshop, 31 Julay - 2 Aug. 2015, Ikeda Lab., Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903‑0213, Japan.
Talk at SPIRITS seminar - Soft Robotics, "Physical Reservoir Computing for Soft Robots", 14 July 2015, Room 202, South Building, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Talk at RIMS Workshop: Dynamical systems and its applications, "Physical Reservoir Computing", 29 June - 3 July 2015, Room 420, RIMS, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
複雑系力学研究会にて発表, "Physical reservoir computing for soft machines and beyond", 10 April 2015, 京都大学総合研究8号館講義室3, Kyoto, Japan.
Talk at Kyoto University, Umeno's Lab Seminar, "Soft timer: Dynamic clock in soft body dynamics", 10 Feb. 2015, 京都大学工学部一号館211セミナー室, Kyoto, Japan.
Talk at Japan-Slovenia Seminar on Nonlinear Science (Kansai 2014), “Information Processing via Soft Materials”, 29 Oct. 2014, 奈良女子大学理学部A棟1階理学部会議室, Nara, Japan.
Invited talk at 第29回若手セミナー(筑波大学テニュアトラック普及・定着事業), "Real-time Computing via Soft Body Dynamics", 23 Oct. 2014, 筑波大学第3エリア工学系3B304, Tsukuba, Japan.
Talk at 84th Hakubi seminar, "Information Processing via Soft Body Dynamics", 7 Oct. 2014, 京都大学白眉センター(iCeMS西館2階 会議室) , Kyoto, Japan.
Invited talk at University of Zurich, Neural Nets Course, “A Soft Body as a Reservoir: Case Studies in Octopus-Inspired Soft Robotic Arms”, 24 May, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.
Invited talk at BiRoNZ: Bio-Robotics Network in Zurich, “Exploiting soft body dynamics as a computational resource: Case studies in octopus robots”, 7 December, 2012, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Invited talk and robot demonstration with Prof. Rolf Pfeifer at Stadthaus, “Japan day”, 7 November, 2012, Uster, Zurich, Switzerland.
Invited lecture at Osaka University, Koh Hosoda’s lab, “Soft body as a reservoir: How to exploit soft body dynamics as a reservoir”, 10 August, 2012, Osaka, Japan.
Invited lecture at Kobe Nonlinear Science Seminar, “Exploiting physical body as a computational resource”, 8 August, 2012, Room 524, Graduate School of Science and Technology Bldg 3, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
Invited lecture at University of Tokyo, Takashi Ikegami’s lab, “Soft body as a reservoir”, 30 July, 2012, Komaba, Tokyo.
Invited talk at University of Zurich, Neural Nets Course, "Reservoir computing for octopus robots", 27 May, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.
Invited talk at First ETH-Japan Symposium for Academic Exchanges: Success Factors for Cooperation between Japan and Switzerland, 7-9 March, 2012, ETH, Zurich.
Invited talk at 10th International Conference on COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS (CASYS’11), “Dynamics Underneath Symbols: A Case Study in Autonomous Agents”, 11 August, 2011, Liege, Belgium.
Invited lecture at Second Summer School on Embodied Intelligence (EMBODYi & Lampetra Projects Summer School), “Controlling simulated octopus arm via recurrent neural network”, 28 June, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
Invited talk at University of Zurich, Neural Nets Course, “Timing-Based Control via Recurrent Neural Networks: Controlling Octopus Arm”, 27 May, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
Invited talk at Kobe Nonlinear Science Seminar, “Self-Organized Perturbations”, 19 April, 2010, Room 524, Graduate School of Science and Technology Bldg 3, Kobe University.
Invited talk at 9th International Conference on COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS (CASYS’09), “Measuring Information Transfer in Coupled Dynamical Recognizer”, 3-8 August, 2009, Liege, Belgium.
Invited talk at 9th International Conference on COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS (CASYS’09), “On the Expression of the Double-barreled Body in the Sensorimotor Coupling System”, 3-8 August, 2009, Liege, Belgium.
Invited talk at AILab: Brown Bag Lecture, “Dynamical Systems Interpretation of Reversal of Subjective Temporal Order Due to Arm Crossing”, 30 June, 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.
45th JSAP Outstanding Paper Award: Award for Best Review Paper link
Future Scientist Award: The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2023, Kobe)
Best Poster Presentation Award: The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2023, Kobe)
Young Scientist Presentation Award: The Japan Society of Applied Physics (May, 2023)
Best Paper Awards: The 5th IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (4-8 April, 2022).
Best Paper Awards: 32th 2021 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (5-8 December, 2021).
Best Paper Awards: 30th 2019 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (1-4 December, 2019).
The 25th Annual Conference Award: Japanese Neural Network Society (2-4 September, 2015).
The Hakubi Researcher (Kyoto University, 5th batch, 2013).
Finalists of the T. J. Tarn Best Paper Award in Robotics: The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (11-14 December, 2012).
Finalists of the Best Paper Award in Biomimetics: The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (7-11 December, 2011).
Best Paper Award (Crystal award) in CASYS'07-8th International Conference of COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS: Soft computing, computational intelligence, fuzzy systems, neural networks, learning (11 August, 2007).
Scientific Society Membership
日本数学会 (The Mathematical Society of Japan)
応用物理学会(The Japan Society of Applied Physics)
日本物理学会(The Physical Society of Japan)
日本生物物理学会(The Biophysical Society of Japan)
日本神経回路学会(Japanese Neural Network Society)
日本神経科学学会(The Japan Neuroscience Society)
Research Grants
研究代表者:野津 裕史
研究代表者:藤井 啓祐
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(研究分担者として参加) -
JST PRESTO「社会的課題の解決に向けた数学と諸分野の協働」